How is your business positioned in the minds of your customers, employees, the public, other businesses, etc

How are you positioned in your customers eyes

What perception do you want to deliver or influence in the minds of people about your product or service?

These 7 Questions might be helpful…

Who are you?

Does your trading name tell your customers something about your business.

Consider the difference between:

“Fred’s Fido Kennels” and “Princesses Pet Resort”

“John’s Plumbing” and “Fix Leaks Plumbing”

“Cheap Electricians” or “Efficient Electricians”

What business are you in?

Revlon for instance might make cosmetics but they sell hope… What benefits do you sell?

Who do you provide your product for?

Which specific group or people are you targeting?

What do these people need?

  • What sorts of things do these specific group of people stay up worrying about
  • What problem are you solving for them?
  • How do you serve these people?
  • What does your customer really need?
  • What areas of improvement can be found in your business?

“What successful businesses and individuals do really well is find a problem to solve and then find the best way to solve it either before any one else does or better than anyone else does.!!!”

The basics of business is to identify (or create) a NEED and then find a way to fill that need in a way that benefits all concerned and specifically is profitable.

Do they need:

  • Better Product
  • Faster Service
  • More Choices
  • Flexibility
  • etc

Who is your competition?

If you are a fast food restaurant and your targeting hungry people you have more competition to just those who are target just people who feel like a burger.

If you are selling a service your biggest challenge is to help your customer understand how you can help them …

What makes you different?

Even if you provide the same thing as 100’s of other businesses no one will do it the same as you.

Your business could:

  • attract different people
  • inspire different things
  • provide different training or information
  • increase the amount clients learn
  • help clients work more efficiently

People are all different in which case they will deliver services and products differently, what is you unique selling point?

Find your point of difference, it is there…

So what does all this mean?

What can people get from you that no one else can do?

What are the benefits of what you provide, don’t just say good value this is an implied benefit and there is nothing unique about price?

It doesn’t have to be complex keep it simple…


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